Monday, March 21, 2011

You can call me Amy D.

I’m frequently asked about my last name, Durocher.  I’ve heard it all. “Der-cher” “Do-row-shay” “Do-rocker” is common.  The best is “Doucher.”  “Doucher?”  Really?  You aren’t even trying.  

Yet, the part about my last name that people get intrigued by is why I am still using my maiden name and not my married name.  I married Brantly Sober.  I think his last name is unique and cool.  Yes, there’s a snicker when he says it and yes, he spells it out when they look perplexed.  It’s still a cool name. So, why didn’t I take his last name?

I tell people I’m waiting to see if the marriage works before I do anything drastic.  Poor taste? Yes. That’s kind of my sense of humor.   Then the eyebrows start to make that funny look on their face.  You know the look. The same look your mom gave you when you told your first Helen Keller joke. Look. I didn’t know who Helen Keller was- I was 7 for crying out loud!  Anyways, I then defend the choice for keeping my name by announcing that it was his idea.  Still, blank stares so here’s the story:

The afternoon after Brantly and I were married, (by a woman minister…that’s another blog altogether) we were having lunch at the McDonald’s inside the Monte Carlo casino/hotel.  Glamorous! I’m sure I was eating a salad… okay.  That’s a lie.  I’m sure I was eating a Big Mac and he was eating a salad.  Anyways, I made a comment about how much time I was going to take off of work to fill out all the paper work to get my name changed.  He said, “Keep your last name. You’ve had it for 33 years. You’re Amy D.”  At first I thought he was joking.  He wasn’t and inside was relieved that I wouldn’t have to deal with the Social Security office or DMV.   We made a deal: our children would take his last name.  This is why our dog’s name is Ishie.  Ishie Sober.

I didn’t want to do the hyphenated thing.  He didn’t like that either.  I’m a Durocher. I’m a Sober.  You can still call me Amy D. or you can call me Amy Sober. I’ll answer to both.  I’ve answered to lots of names.

Brantly doesn’t feel insecure about me keeping my maiden name so why would anyone care?   He loves me. I love him.

I’m getting a little tired of hearing, “Miss Doucher” at the doctor’s office.  Just say, “Amy” and I’ll get out of my seat. If there’s more than one of us standing, I’ll know you mean me when you stutter out the start of my last name. I’ll say it for you before you get a chance to mess it up

Maybe one day I’ll change my name to his.  Maybe not.  Either way, my grandpa still thinks it’s spelled S-u-b-e-r.  I love that!

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